Join us as we observe a day of fasting and prayer, concluding with an evening time of corporate prayer led by Ruling Elder Paul Duggan. 

Here are some ways we invite you to pray today and over the next few weeks. But don’t let this be the limit of your prayer; please pray as you feel led by the Spirit.

For Tenth Church

  1. Pray for the pastoral staff (Jonny, Tim, Enrique, Colin, Josiah, and Brock) that they would know how best to minister to the people of Tenth in the new year.
  2. Pray for Kelci Rose, our Director of Women’s Ministry and Christian Education, that the Lord would grant her grace and wisdom to provide encouragement and discipleship to the women of the church.
  3. Pray for Joe Park, our Interim Director of Outreach Activities, that he would have wisdom and insight to know how to pray for and encourage the many global partners which Tenth supports.
  4. Pray that the Lord would keep Satan far away from Tenth and would prevent him from twisting the truth and deceiving God’s people.
  5. Pray for Pastor Enrique and Joe Park as they leave on a missions trip to Japan and Thailand on January 30, that the Lord would keep them safe, grant them endurance and health, and show them how to encourage the pastors and churches they’ll be visiting.
  6. Praise the Lord for his financial provision for Tenth in 2024, and pray for him to supply Tenth’s financial needs in 2025.
  7. Pray for spiritual revival at Tenth—that we would truly be a light to the city and a place where people come to faith and grow in love.
  8. Pray for the Jesus Explored program taking place at Tenth over the next several weeks, that many would come to faith, and that the faith of those from Tenth who are helping would be greatly encouraged.
  9. Pray for the Men’s Discipleship Group starting this week, that the Lord would use it as a safe place for men wrestling with sexual sin to experience the Lord’s grace, and to walk in repentance.
  10. Pray for the Parents’ Prayer Group starting later this month, both that the parents who pray would be encouraged, and that the children for whom they pray would return to the Lord.
  11. Pray for the various campus outreaches that are part of Tenth’s College Fellowship and for Intern Collin Gibboney and Pastor Josiah as they lead them. Pray that the Spirit would cause many young men and women to come to faith and to thrive in relationship with the Lord.
  12. Pray for Tenth’s Preschool and Playgroup, that they would both be places where the Lord plants seeds of faith in the students and their parents, many of whom are unbelievers. Pray for Preschool Director Pam Nothacker and her staff as they engage with these little ones and their families daily.
  13. Pray for Tenth’s Mercy Ministry, especially the Street Ministry, that the Lord would use the kind and compassionate presence of his people as a platform for many to come to faith and know the beauty of being in the Lord’s Body.
  14. Pray for Tenth’s Hispanic Outreach, including the 2 pm bilingual service and the ESL classes, that the Lord would work through language and cultural barriers to bring many to himself and to provide them with the comfort and stability of belonging to a community of believers.
  15. Pray that the Lord would grant wisdom, perseverance, and patience with joy to the Session and to the Diaconate as they provide leadership to the church.
  16. Pray that the Lord would raise up the right man to be Tenth’s new Senior Minister.

For Our Presbytery

  1. Philadelphia Presbytery meets this Saturday morning. Please pray that the Lord would grant the men present wisdom, grace, and a spirit of unity as they work through significant issues.
  2. Pray for the churches in our Presbytery, that the Lord would stir them up to faithfully proclaim his Word and to actively make disciples.

For The City

  1. Pray for Mayor Cherelle Parker and for our Councilman, Kenyatta Johnson, that they would lead justly and in ways that honor of the Lord and preserve the rights of his people.
  2. Pray that the Gospel would go forth from the churches in the city, and that there would be revival throughout Philadelphia.
  3. Pray for the development of strong and supportive relationships between Tenth and other churches and synagogues in the city—particularly in Center City.
  4. Pray for the Spirit to subdue the violent tendencies of many in our city, who would seek to harm others. In particular, please pray for the reduction of gun violence in the city.
  5. Pray for the safety of Philadelphia’s law enforcement officers as they go about their work of keeping us safe.

For the Nation

  1. Pray for President Elect Trump, the Congress, and the Supreme Court as they all have various issues before them where they need divine guidance, conviction, and courage.
  2. Pray for the Lord to protect our nation from all manner of enemies, and that he would preserve the peace and prosperity we enjoy.
  3. Pray that the Lord would stop the spread of the wildfires in Southern California, and that the church in that area would be a refuge and very real help to those who are suffering and looking for answers.
  4. Pray that the US would be a good witness to its neighbors and to the world community.
  5. Pray for those in our nation who don’t know the Lord, that they would come to faith and repentance.

For the World

  1. Pray for a peaceful and sustainable solution to the conflict between Israel and the Palestinians.
  2. Pray for a quick end to the war between Russia and Ukraine.
  3. Pray for the Lord to grant peace and wisdom to the leaders of South Korea, and that the citizens of that nation would enjoy stability.
  4. Pray for the Church in China, that the Holy Spirit would bring many to faith, and that the Church would thrive despite the work of the government.
  5. Pray for unjust dictators and other evil men and women to be overthrown and held to account for their sin.
los miércoles
Reception Hall
Prayer Dinner
Paul Duggan

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Day of Prayer and Fasting

Join us as we observe a day of fasting and prayer, concluding with an evening time of corporate prayer led...

Day of Prayer and Fasting

Join us as we observe a day of fasting and prayer, concluding with an evening time of corporate prayer led...

Day of Prayer and Fasting

Join us as we observe a day of fasting and prayer, concluding with an evening time of corporate prayer led...