Maranatha Winter Retreat

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Join us on the Maranatha youth winter retreat at Camp Sankanac from February 14-16. The retreat is open to any 6th-12th graders and we're looking forward to enjoying some great games, conversations, and time together!


  • DROP OFF: February 14 at 6pm, 1710 Spruce, 1 Rear for dinner.
  • PICK-UP: February 16 between 12:30pm-1:00pm at Tenth. Students will have eaten an early lunch. 
  • COST: $155

Easter Pancake Breakfast

By / Sunday, April 20 at 7:45am – 9am

Join us for a delicious Pancake Breakfast prepared by the Maranatha Youth. This is a fundraiser. Please prepay online to minimize delay upon arrival.