As Reformed Confessional Presbyterians, we believe that the Word of God, which is contained in the Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments, is our rule of faith and practice. Subordinately, we receive and adopt the confessional standards summarized in the Westminster Confession of Faith (WCF), the Westminster Larger Catechism (WLC), and the Westminster Shorter Catechism (WSC), as containing the system of doctrine taught in the Holy Scriptures. In obedience to the scriptural mandate, as uttered from the lips of our Lord himself to go and make disciples and to the end of proclaiming him, warning everyone, teaching everyone, and presenting every believer mature in Christ, Tenth Church plans to offer the following classes in the Adult Bible School this fall.
- First Corinthians: “When the Church is Messy.” The teacher is Paul Duggan. This class meets on Sundays at 9AM in Fellowship Hall East.
Paul Duggan writes: “Paul says the church at Corinth is made holy by Jesus Christ, but he writes to them because they asked him for help with problems that have arisen. They are confronted by sexual chaos, manifestations of the Spirit, existing class distinctions and new divisions and heresies. Paul’s response is to drive them back to the cross of Jesus. The wisdom of the cross is the way forward in life as the body of Christ. As we look at Paul’s answers for Corinth, we will think practically how the cross disciples us with wisdom for us in Philadelphia.
- The Berean Class. The text is Foundations of Covenant Theology: A Biblical-Theological Study of Genesis 1-3 by Lane G. Tipton. The coordinator is George McFarland. This class meets on Sundays at 9AM in Fellowship Hall West. This class is also available in hybrid.
This class traces the story of creation, fall, and redemption, three of the four-fold movements of the overarching theme of the entire Bible as found in Genesis 1-3. This account is foundational for understanding covenant theology, from a reformed confessional perspective. It is foundational for understanding the entire course of biblical theology as it sets the stage for a God-centered, Christ-centered interpretation of scripture. It exalts the person and work of Christ as the second and last Adam in the covenant of grace, who in his humiliation and exaltation has opened the gates of heavenly paradise for his church.
- Women’s Class. The text is Name Above All Names by Alistair Begg and Sinclair Ferguson. The coordinator is Earline Schmid. This class meets on Sundays at 9AM in 1710, First Floor Conference Room.
Earline Schmid writes: “This is a thoughtful study and worshipful guide through the whole sweep of Scripture to help us see and meditate on the incomparable character of Christ. We hope to be enabled to respond to the exhortations of scripture more readily, to focus our gaze upon the King of kings, and to better understand the greatness of Jesus.”
- Men’s Class. The text is The Book of Proverbs, a commentary by Derek Kidner. The coordinator is Bob Kempf. This class meets throughout the year on Sundays at 9AM in the 1710 First Floor Lobby.
Bob Kempf writes: ”’Blessed is the one who finds wisdom, and the one who gets understanding’ (Proverbs 3:13, ESV). The format of this class is a discussion following an inductive type of Bible study. It is also available in hybrid. Attendees will need a code to get into 1710, which will be provided to interested attendees. Men are encouraged to bring their own coffee.”
- New Members Class – Required for membership at Tenth. The class is taught by various teaching elders (TE’s) and ruling elders (RE’s). This class begins on Sunday, September 24 and runs through November 19 at 9AM, and meets in 1710, 1 Rear.
If you are considering becoming a member of Tenth, please consider participating in this class, where we will explore topics such as: The Gospel, Doctrines of Grace, Worship & Preaching, The Covenant, Spiritual Gifts, Stewardship and Service, and Church Government.
Since God’s Word is sanctifying, we encourage you to join us in one of these classes. It is our desire for you to grow in sanctification, to mature in that work of God’s free grace in you and to be renewed in the whole man after the image of God. You can join any of these classes by clicking through their links, above.