“For not only has the word of the Lord sounded forth from you in Macedonia and Achaia, but your faith in God has gone forth everywhere, so that we need not say anything.”
1 Thessalonians 1:8
As we honor God’s faithful provision and sovereign guidance to Tenth’s Global Outreach ministry, this year’s Global Outreach Conference will focus on how the Spirit of Christ builds and grows the Church through the work of Tenth’s global partners.
Why should you take part in some or all of the events connected with the Global Outreach Conference? One word: encouragement. Your participation will encourage our global partners, each of whom faces challenges in their gospel labors both here and abroad. But you will be encouraged, too, as you hear the testimonies of how the Spirit is powerfully at work even in the midst of difficult experiences to shape, build, and refine his Church, strengthening and sanctifying the faith of many, preparing them to be his perfect Bride.
This year’s main speaker, John, is a long-time partner of Tenth Church. John will share his story of being sent by Tenth and of serving over thirty years in a minority Christian country, striving to see the Church of Jesus Christ flourish. In these years he and his family have seen God faithfully bring people to Christ and establish congregations of believers. John continues to work with local pastors and congregations, seeking to disciple and develop current and future leaders of the Church in that country. He will share how God has opened doors in what was once a spiritually barren land, where now the work of missions is bearing fruit. John will speak Saturday night at the banquet and preach at the morning services on Sunday, November 3.
But that’s not all that will take place at this year’s conference. Events begin Sunday, October 27 with the annual flag parade at the 9 and 11am services, and a special lunch following the 11am service with global partner Jonas Stava speaking about the work the Lord has him doing in Norway.
That entire week—from Monday, October 28 through Friday, November 1, global and local outreach partners will be guests at various small groups throughout our parishes. They’ll share the story of the Lord at work building his Church from Philadelphia throughout the world.
The Global Outreach Banquet will take place Saturday, November 2 at 6pm in Fellowship Hall. As mentioned earlier, global partner John will be the main speaker at the banquet. We would invite you to come as early as 5pm as a few of our global partners will be looking to provide you with personal updates at tables in Reception Hall. These tables will be set up in Reception Hall throughout Saturday evening and Sunday during the day. John will be preaching on Sunday, November 3, at the morning services. Global partner Carlos Berrio will preach at the 2pm service, and partner Bruce McDowell will round out the day preaching at 6:30pm.
All the missionaries attending this conference will testify to God’s faithfulness and will share parts of their ministries with us. There will be plenty of opportunities to hear from several partners throughout the week in small groups and in Bible School on Sunday, November 3. There will also be partner tables in Reception Hall to visit during the banquet on Saturday, November 2, and again throughout the morning on Sunday, November 3. We joyfully invite you to this precious event.
Please see the list of events connected with the Global Outreach Conference. Please note that some of them require an RSVP.