For those who are familiar with the layout of Philadelphia, you likely know that the Schuylkill river delineates a sort of cultural divide. East of the Schuylkill is Center City, west of the Schuylkill is University City and West Philadelphia, all of which have distinct identities as neighborhoods in Philadelphia, but whose primary need is the same. Each person in those neighborhoods needs to know Jesus Christ. Over the past several months, the Lord has been working in the hearts of some of our congregants to reach those neighborhoods that are west of the Schuylkill river so that the people in those areas would come to know their eternal need for salvation, and find that salvation in the name of Jesus.

With these things in mind, the session has decided to begin another Tenth church service in University City called Tenth West, with the aim of using our resources as a church to target another area in our city and to spread the good news of the Kingdom there. Given the many people in our congregation who live in and near this area, and the proximity of the colleges nearby, we are excited and hopeful about the ways the Lord may use this service to increase our evangelism in the city and allow us to continue to advance the vision of people of every nation, tribe, tongue and generation worshiping our King.

We’d be very grateful for your prayers for this endeavor. If the Lord puts it on your heart to pray for Tenth West, we’d ask that you consider praying for three things. First, pray for the hearts of those of us in our congregation who are working to start this service that we would have hearts of worship, evangelism, humility, and service to the people in these areas. Second, that the Lord would prepare the hearts of many people living in those neighborhoods to hear, repent, and believe the gospel as a result of these efforts. Finally, please pray that the Lord would smooth the way forward with the various logistics that are necessary for this to take place. Ultimately we would ask that you would pray, for all of Tenth’s ministries, that the Lord would use our efforts to help those living in our city come to see that the many idols of this secular culture cannot save or satisfy them, and that they would join the multitude from every nation, tribe, people and language in proclaiming that salvation belongs to our God who sits on the throne, and to the Lamb. 

Register for worship services at this new campus here.
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