Brandywine Parish Mini-Golf

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Brandywine Parish members and Tenth friends,

Everyone is invited to join Brandwine Parish in their third annual mini-golf event!

The location is Putt Putt Fun Center, 5300 W. Baltimore Pike, Clifton Heights, PA. The cost is $7, which includes two golf games. Hot dogs, pizza, and soft drinks will be available for sale at the counter.

Tenth Youth Orchestra

By / Sundays at 5pm, through May 26, 2025

Be part of a unique orchestra program!

Tenth Youth Orchestra is a wonderful opportunity for string players, ages 7 to 18 to rehearse and perform together at Tenth Presbyterian Church. Any interested students from Tenth Church as well as student players from the surrounding community are welcome to join. There is no charge for participation in this orchestra however regular attendance for rehearsals and performances is expected as much as is possible.

Performance opportunities include informal recitals and occasional opportunities to play for services at historic Tenth Presbyterian Church.


  • Violin, Viola, Cello and Bass players with good note reading ability at an intermediate to advanced level are encouraged to join.
  • Music chosen will accommodate the different levels of the participants, using standard classical repertoire and hymn arrangements as well as lighter styles.
  • Rehearsals will take place in Reception Hall at Tenth Presbyterian Church every Sunday from 5:00 to 6:00 PM, beginning Sunday, September 22.



Mrs. Judy Harvey is a certified music teacher with a masters’ degree in education. She has been teaching strings, both privately and in school contexts, for over 30 years. Recently retired as strings teacher in Cheltenham Township School District, she currently runs an after-school string program at St. Mark’s Classical Academy in Jenkintown.


By / Wednesdays at 9:30am, through May 28, 2025

Tenth Playgroup provides a way for caregivers and kids to find community in the city. Caregivers socialize over coffee while children busy themselves with learning centers and toys. 

Join us 9:30-11:30am on the first and third Wednesdays of each month during the school term.

Please note that we ask that you enter via the alley on Spruce Street that runs next to our sanctuary (1708 Spruce Street). We have space to park your stroller and someone will be there to direct you.

No registration is necessary, but you can join the Playgroup Email list here.

Volunteers are needed. Learn more about volunteering with kids at Tenth.

Seminary on Saturday: The Church in the Public Square

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Join us for an inspiring event where Westminster Theological Seminary teams up with Tenth Presbyterian Church to empower Christians to engage meaningfully in the public sphere. Together, we'll explore how to view politics through the lens of a Christian worldview, aiming to be faithful witnesses for Christ in today's world.

Rev. Josiah Vanderveen and Dr. Peter Lillback, President of Westminster, will lead three dynamic discussions, followed by a delicious lunch and an engaging Q&A session.

The registration fee is $15 online or $20 at the door. If the cost is a concern, please don't hesitate to reach out to Suzannah to inquire about scholarships. There is discounted ($6) parking at the Penn South Street Garage (1740 South Street). Bring your parking receipt to Tenth to get stamped. We look forward to seeing you there!

Leadership Formation Day

2024 Leadership Formation will prepare teachers, volunteers, and leaders for the upcoming 2024-2025 year of ministry at Tenth! The theme this year is "Restore" based on Psalm 23.  

Leadership Formation Day is a training time set aside for ordained and lay leaders in the church to come and learn together in order that we would all pull together well in the same direction. This year's training focuses on discipleship—how do we work together to help Tenth become a church that is increasingly formed by discipleship? This time together will be profitable not only for your ministry, but also for your own soul. Leadership Formation Day is open to everyone—not just for established leaders. If you have someone who would like to be a leader, or someone who would benefit from thinking more deliberately about discipleship, please invite them to register!

A Continental Breakfast and Lunch are included. 

Childcare is available; please sign your kids up here

Officer Training Seminars

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Training Sessions for Officers and other Volunteers

Ocean City Beach Day (Día de playa en Ocean City)

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Stroll the boardwalk, sit on the sand, swim in the ocean, and watch the fireworks at night with your Tenth Church family!  Come join us for a day at the beach in Ocean City, NJ. A wonderful taco lunch will be provided, but bring $10 for a beach tag. All are welcome!

Drivers are needed to help transport people from Tenth to Ocean City and back again. Pick up your passengers at Tenth at 9:00 am and return with them after the fireworks at night.  Indicate if you can drive people when you register. 

New Jersey Parish Meetings

By / Thursday, May 15 at 6:30pm – 8:30pm

Join us for our Spring Parish Meeting where we will hear updates from church leadership and find out more what is happening at Tenth. Come enjoy fellowship, snacks and discussion.

Metro Parish Meetings

By / Thursday, May 8 at 6:30pm – 8:30pm

Join us for our Spring Parish meeting where we will hear updates from church leadership and find out more what is happening at Tenth. Come and enjoy fellowship, snacks and discussion. 


To give thanks for God’s providence and the end of slavery in the United States, Tenth Church will sponsor a Jubilee Day cookout. Let us come and join together in a time of encouragement, remembrance, and celebration. Read more about why we do this in Tenth Press.