Serve with Kids

Prospective Volunteers

Tenth Children needs you!

Why should you consider working with kids at Tenth? Of course, we love children and eagerly watch them grow up and know Jesus’ love for them. Foundational to this, and one of the richest blessings of the covenant the Lord has established with His people, is the inclusion of believers’ children. We acknowledge this every time we baptize a child. 

During the baptism, the congregation affirms the following question: “Do you as a congregation undertake the responsibility of assisting the parents in the Christian nurture of this child?” One way you can act on this affirmation is by serving in the nursery, and this service holds rich blessings for everyone.

Volunteering gives you:

  • The opportunity to assist parents in raising their children to know and love Jesus
  • The chance to build relationships with other members of Tenth Church
  • The fun and rewarding experience of caring for children
  • The privilege of serving parents, pastors, and the entire Tenth congregation
  • The flexibility of self-scheduling 

Three Steps to Apply

The protection of children is a high priority for us. All those who volunteer with kids undergo a careful screening process, including completing the background checks required by the State of Pennsylvania. Additionally, for most of our ministries, volunteers must be members of Tenth and undergo an interview with a ministry leader. Learn more about membership here.

Step 1: Apply Online: Volunteer Profile for Children & Student Ministry

Step 2: Follow the Background Check instructions

Step 3: A ministry leader will contact you to schedule an interview with the ministry leader and an elder.

Current Volunteers

Thank you so much for your service to the families of Tenth. Our leadership is so grateful to God for providing all of you to serve the families and care for the children of our church.

All volunteers are asked to attend training to learn about emergency evacuation, current Child Safety policies, and operational guidelines. Children’s worker training is held at the beginning of the school year, and online throughout the year.